Client Credit Card payments can be declined for a number of reasons. When a payment is declined at the time of an attempted charge, a decline message pop up on the top right corner of the screen.
NOTE: If 3 failed attempts to process a credit card charge occur in 10 minutes, the card will be blocked for 24 hours.
Common Decline Errors
Below are a few common decline errors:
Do Not Honor
This is a general decline response from the cardholder's bank. Please ask the cardholder contact their bank for details on why the transaction was declined. This decline reason could be due to:
- A block has been placed from the bank
- Unusual transaction on the account
- Card is canceled, expired or not activated
- Limit reached on the account
Invalid Issuer
This is a decline from the cardholders bank. Ask the cardholder to contact their bank to request details on why their bank is declining the transaction.
Invalid/Nonexistent Account
This decline error refers to an invalid entry of the card information. Please re-enter the card number and try again.
If you continue to have trouble please reach out. The following additional information can be helpful to have ready when you contact Support:
- Client initials
- Last 4 of card number
- Attempted Transaction date
- Attempted Transaction Amount