Hover over any appointment on the schedule to view appointment details, check the status of an appointment, and quickly link to more information about the patient.
Click the tabs on the right to the right to view appointment details:
- For a non-teletherapy appointment, the Details Tab shows general information about the appointment, such as the type of visit.
- For a teletherapy appointment, the Teletherapy Tab has a link for scheduled users to join the teletherapy session. This link will be active 10 minutes prior to the start time of the appointment.
- The Patient Tabs show detail about each patient scheduled for this appointment. A red line to the right of the tab indicates the patient has an alert.
- The Users Tab shows the users this appointment is scheduled for.
- The Series Tab shows information about the appointment's series, such as the number of appointments left in the series.
When you are on the Patient Tab , the icons at the bottom right indicate the appointment status. You can click these icons to Check in a Patient of Change the Appointment Status.
- Gray Scheduled icon : The appointment is scheduled.
- Green Check-In icon : The patient is checked in for the appointment.
- Red Patient Cancelled icon : The patient cancelled the appointment.
- Red Clinic Cancelled icon : The clinic cancelled the appointment.
- Blue No Show icon : The patient was a no-show for the appointment.
- Green Checked-Out icon: The patient has been checked out and, if applicable, a payment has been processed or recorded.
When you are on the Patient Tab , the icons at the bottom left link to more information about the patient scheduled for the appointment.
- Click the View Patient icon to open the Patient Chart.
- Click the View Documents icon to view the patient's completed documents.
- Click the View Goals icon to view the patient's goals.
- Hover over the Status Summary icon to see the number of canceled and no-show appointments for the patient.