With Centralized Billing, the biller is responsible for entering charges, rather than the therapist. Centralized Billing removes the charges section from the therapist's daily note, so the therapist will complete their daily note without entering billing codes and service times. When the therapist signs their note, it is routed to the biller who will have access to the charges section to enter billing codes and create a claim or submit the charges to the billing account.
To turn on Centralized Billing, contact the Fusion Support team.
Jump to Section: [Submit a Charge with Centralized Billing] [Edit Submitted Charges]
Submit a Charge with Centralized Billing
- The Therapist signs their Daily Note without entering charges. (Turning on centralized billing removes the Charges section from the Daily Note for the therapist.)
- The Biller clicks the Charges section under the Billing tab to open the Approve Charges list. This is a list of all daily notes that have been submitted and need to have charges added.
- The Biller clicks a line on the Approve Charges list to open a daily note that needs charges.
- The Biller opens the Charges section of the note to enter the billing code and quantity (if applicable). This will also populate the name and type as well as calculate total units (if applicable).
NOTE: Billers are not able to make changes to other sections of the note.
- The Biller clicks the Submit Charges button.
Edit Submitted Charges
Billers can edit the charges on a daily note after the charges have been submitted.
- Click the Charges button at the top of the Approved Charges list.
- Select Submitted then click the Apply button to display a list of daily notes with submitted charges.
- Click a line to open the open the daily note and edit the charges.